Running doing a spiral in the centre of Paris!
So many things to discover or see again, to share the history of Paris, to understand the link between historical events and the physiognomy of the city, to have the joy of running together… a pleasant stroll (and the satisfaction of a shared drink in the beautiful garden of the Palais Royal after the effort…).
Many thanks to Chrystelle, Eric, Flavien, Jérôme, Justice and Marie!
Paris Running Tours: private tours or free outings, stay tuned!
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If you too, you come to Paris, we will be very happy to run with you. Join us and discover Paris with authentic Parisians guides who will take you on the best sight running routes in Paris and who always have tons of secrets to share with you:
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Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Harmony License: CC BY 3.0:
Cet article Running doing a spiral in the centre of Paris! est apparu en premier sur Paris Running Tours (English).